Our Story,
Our Farm,
Our Family

Ray Law was born into ranching. His daddy started a ranch near where we currently keep our business in 1952. He moved his family there 4 years later, and built it up over the years. By the time Ray was born, the ranch was well established.

From Our Family to Yours

Ray stuck close to his father and learned all he could from him, then went to college to learn all about diesel engines, plumbing, carpentry, and other crafts that were useful on a farm. He decided to be a teacher because the hours worked well around ranching. Ray met Amy in teacher college in 1990. They married in 1994. They both have a degree in Education from University of Houston-Clear Lake. Amy majored in Special Education, and Ray majored in Social Studies and secondary education. They both went on later and received a master's degree, MS in educational administration from University of Houston, Clear Lake.

Ray taught in both private Christian and public secondary schools and taught social studies, math, English and a Special Education. Amy taught in public elementary schools and then middle school special education, math and English As a Second Language. Ray would religiously go help his father on the ranch every day after work and all day every day during the summers.


After struggling with several health problems, and watching the struggles of her students, Amy started looking for answers on the internet. She first learned about how much diet was helping students with autism and behavioral issues in connection to milk allergies. She discovered that grass-fed beef (along with raw, unprocessed milk, broths, organic vegetables and no refined sugar) was often recommended for improving health issues and behavioral/allergy issues for children. WAIT! She knew where to get some of that grass fed beef!


Health and infertility issues cleared up, and after ten years of infertility treatments and even surgeries, Katherine, their daughter was born. Then, Surprise! William came 18 months later. There must be something to this diet idea. They really worked at cleaning up their own diets and continue to look for more answers to the health problems that seem to be exploding among their neighbors.

Meanwhile, the ranch was sucking up every spare minute of Ray's time, and every spare dollar. They figured they better find a way to do something different, or Ray would have to find a cheaper hobby that wouldn't drive the family bankrupt.


So, with their background in educational code, Ray and Amy decoded the state regulations, found out how to get the meat butchered with an inspection label from the state of Texas. They researched the best markets to start out selling their beef. They partnered up with some quality butchers and got a business plan.


They decided to especially focus on families with kids that were struggling with allergies, autism, behavioral issues, and other special health issues. They decided to keep their prices competitive with the higher end lines of meat sold at Kroger, and local grocery store chains, so that families could afford to feed this meat to their children regularly.


They started selling meat at the Nassau Bay Farmer's Market in August 2007. William was not quite 1 years old. Katherine was still a toddler. They had a few set backs, (Amy broke her arm and had to have surgery, then there was hurricane Ike, the drought of 2010-2012, etc,), but never has there been a shortage of demand. In fact, in 2009, Ray felt they could quit teaching and sell beef and ranch full time. Yes, money is tight, but it always is, no matter what work you do. You always find a way to spend everything you make. So, why not work at something that is your PASSION?


They have very loyal, wonderful customer clients. They have several clients that are on their 11th or 12th side of beef. They have regular customers that buy by the piece every week, or at least stop by to say they are good this week, but will need something next week, so hold it for them. They have doctors, chiropractors, psychologists, nurses, and medical researchers that know that the chemicals in the store meat are bad and they need to buy clean, local meats. Politicians and lawyers are slower to follow, but there are a few that are regulars, too. There are several rock bands that have requested Law Ranch Cattle Company meat when their tours bring them to town, and they have spread the world nationally. They work with the organizations to help touring bands support local farmers when they are in town.


While the Law's are proud to be supported by such people, they are most proud to serve the families that have seen huge growth and improvement in their children that were struggling with health or behavior issues. That makes them the most excited. They have seen families with a child that is so autistic and introverted that they have no speech and very inappropriate behaviors. A few months after starting a clean diet, the child shows up looking healthy, and holds a conversation about a complex issue while acting like any other kid! The miracle that changing diets has worked for these children and families, and to know that they had a part in answering these family's prayers is the most rewarding part of what they do.


Their children are in school full days, so Amy now works full time with the ranch and helps with the ranch and farmer's markets, and Ray is all about cows. Cows, cows, cows. Oh, and chickens, chickens, chickens. (Turns out raising chickens is very addicting.) They also have a successful real estate business. Both are Realtors.


Amy and Ray are very active in their church, currently leading their church's youth group, community, and serve on environmental boards in the area, participate in the green scene, and support local kids in their 4H and FAA projects. They also help Boy scouts and Girl scouts get badges, and volunteer at local schools.



Ray routinely gives speeches to various groups about why eating clean meat is important and how sustainable farming practiced can be profitable.

Ray also does some custom hay for people near by, and tractor work, and the random handy-man job.

Ray and Amy are easy to reach. Just a click or a phone call away. Please contact them directly if you have any questions about anything posted here.

Ray 713.492.4804
Amy 713.492.4875
[email protected] for find us on Facebook, and like our page, or see our ideas on Pinterest.