We try to be at every market consistently, but we do run a ranch, and sometimes other stuff MUST be attended to. We will ALWAYS post on Facebook at least an hour before a market starts if we cannot make it, so a quick search will answer that question. Otherwise, assume we will be there.
We highly recommend you find us at a farmer's market if you have never bought from us before. You will be able to see everything we offer, see the packages, get an idea of sizes, etc.
We do not sell from the ranch, but we might be willing to deliver or meet up with you within 10 miles of Crosby or so and you make it worth our time after you have become more familiar with our offerings. Contact us to see what we can work out.
The calendar is linked to the markets we attend with a map. Scroll down below the calendar to read more about each market. The market names are linked to that market's web page, or Facebook page if they don't have an active web page. Click through to learn more about the market.
Kingwood Farmer's Market
Thursdays-Summer hours 3-7, Winter hours 2-6 Every week, year round
At Kingwood Drive and W. Lake Houston Parkway
Behind the Burger King and McDonald's in Town Center Park
Selling beef, chicken & sausage
See the map here.
Urban Harvest Farmer's Market at St. John's School
Saturdays 8am-noon, every Saturday at the corner of Westheimer and Buffalo Spwy at St. John's School.
There are signs to guide you. Parking is free. Selling beef & sausage. Chicken by special order only.
See the map here.
Nassau Bay Farmer's Market
Saturdays 10-2pm, every week
At Erma's Nutrition Center, at 2332 NASA Rd 1,right across from the Johnson Space Center employee parking lot. Selling beef, chicken, sausage and honey. Erma's Nutrition Center is usually stocked with our hamburger, bones and other cuts in their freezers.If you cannot make it to the market, then this is a great option. In the freezers on the back wall in two locations.
See the map here.
Eleanora's Market in the Heights
Saturdays 9am-1pm in the cooler seasons, 8-noon during the hottest weeks of the summer. Located at Cavatore's Italian Restaurant on Ella and 21st St. Not far from 610 and 290. Selling beef, chicken and sausage. If you live West of midtown, or out off 290 or 249, then this is your best best.
See the map here
Natural Living Food Co-Op
An all organic-certified GMO free store and vegetable food co-op in the historic Old League City. For more information about this establishment, click here.
We are interested in stocking our product in other stores. If you know of a store that would be interested, please let us know.
We get many requests to see our ranch, however, there is really not much too it. It is a field, with wire fence, with cows standing around, and trees here and there. Because it is just a field, we really do not offer tours, as there is nothing much to see. However, please feel free to contact us about anything, then call, email, text, facebook...see the map of where are fields are located, here. Feel free to drive past. If you still feel the need to be one with the chickens or stand in the middle of a field, call Ray. He will arrange a time to meet you, open the gate, and give you the non-tour. We are not a great agra-tourism spot right now, but we know that sometimes you just want to know the chicken that you will eat, or meet your calf before it is packaged, so you can respect that life that is given better. But really, there is not much at all to see.